Title: Nostalgia
Pairing/Character: Logan/Veronica, Mac/Max, Wallace
Word Count: 1,026
Rating: PG
Summary: “Hey!” Logan protested. “I would have gotten a retro radio set, but I was spending my e-bay time looking for-” A night of radio drama, Ovaltine, and ooh look, a secret surprise.
Spoilers: Through 3x17, but doesn’t follow season three continuity. Set several years post series.
Warnings: Symptoms include feeling old and wanting to relive childhood memories. Use at your own risk. Men suffering from midlife crisis should consult their psychiatrists before use.
“So remind me why we’re doing this, again?” Wallace asked. Being the only one without a date, he was feeling like a third wheel and had vindictively claimed the La-Z-boy recliner for himself. Not that he could honestly blame his friends for that one; there had been other people invited. Dick had declined to show, to no one’s surprise, but several other old friends had bailed, including Piz who, with his usually bad timing, did so at the last moment.
“Because it’s fun and memorable way to spend an evening,” Veronica explained, putting on a face that bespoke exasperated schoolmarm repeating herself to an over-inquisitive student. “A group of friend in a cozy, dimly lit, room listening to a dramatic radio presentation, and enjoying powdered beverages, just like in the good old days.” She leaned against Logan on the loveseat they were sharing.
“I’m too young and pretty to be thinking of the good old days,” Max announced. “I’m saving such sentiments for when I turn thirty.”
“The fact that we’re listening to the brand new surround sound edition of the NPR Star Wars radio-play, on a modern home entertainment system kind of spoils the nostalgia effect, too.” Mac tossed in her own two cents.
“Hey!” Logan protested. “I would have gotten a retro radio set, but I was spending my e-bay time looking for-” he stopped abruptly, realizing he’d said too much.
“Oh?” said Veronica, raising her eyebrows. “What were you looking for?”
“It’s not . . . I’ll show you later, okay? Let’s start the show already.”
Three hours later, Wallace had gotten sick and tired of Max and Mac chiming in with Vader’s funky respirator breath every time he showed up, and was on the verge of throwing his half finished mug of Ovaltine (his 5th of the night; that stuff had to be addictive or something) at them. It had been cute the first time or two they had done it, breathing in sync and giggling like children afterwards, but they has proceeded to continue their game, and it was getting on Wallace’s nerves. Worse, Veronica and Logan, bowing to tradition, had started making out during the scenes that they considered boring, which was distracting and gross. Not that Wallace didn’t remember making out in the back of a movie theater a few times himself; but seriously, was he the only one in the room that they remembered they were all adults? White people and their nostalgia. It was enough to drive a brother insane.
And now the couple on the loveseat were giggling as well, as Veronica poked at Logan’s ribs and he tried to fend her off. Sighing, Wallace pulled himself up from his comfortable slouch and grabbed the remote for the stereo to pause the audio, then tossed the remote to Mac and sank back down into his reclined posture “Okay, you two, what’s the deal?”
“Logan won’t tell me what he e-bayed” Veronica whined, pouting in that don’t you just want to hug me and tell me you’ll make it better way she had that tended to melt men into goo.
“I told you, I’ll show you when we’re done.” Logan raised his arms in see what I have to put up with with this woman supplication.
“You know, I think we are done” Mac said, picking herself up from where she had curled up on the floor against Max. “We already made pretty much all the good Star Wars jokes already, and we’re out of milk.”
Logan shot her a you’re ruining my cunning plan glare, which she responded to with a we’re all tired so just get on with it already look. “Fine,” He said, pouting a little himself as he stood. “Wait here,” he instructed Veronica. “I’ll go get it.”
Veronica bounced giddily. “Is it a pony?”
“Is that joke stale yet?” Wallace shot back.
Logan had a dumb that’s my girl, isn’t she swell grin on his face. “Nope.”
Wallace rolled his eyes and polished off his Ovaltine in lieu of a response. Mac and Max, bless their attention deficient souls, started making out. Wallace closed his eyes and mentally debated the relative merits of leaving the room vis-à-vis remaining in his very comfy chair. He had just mustered the will to leave when Logan returned, hiding something behind his back.
“I was going to save this until after we finished, but well . . .” Logan produced a blue velvet jewelry case, and offered it to Veronica.
“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend?” she guessed.
“Not quite,” Logan told her.
She opened the case, her smile widening as she pulled out the large polished brass ring. “An Ovaltine decoder ring!” she squealed in delight. “How did you find one on e-bay? All I can find are the stupid Johnny Quest ones.”
“Lots of persistence.” At Veronica’s knowing glance, he relented. “I had Max set up something to check every hour or so. For the last several months”
“So do you have any messages for me to decode?” Veronica asked huskily, managing to make it sound extremely flirtatious.
“Actually, I’m kind of hoping to see you put it on.” Logan gently lifted her hand, and moved to put on her finger. Veronica inhaled sharply as she realized where he intended to place it. “Miss Mars, would you do me the honor of-”
Logan didn’t finish, because Veronica tackled him. “Yes!” Further conversation was canceled in favor of madly passionate kissing.
“And that’s our cue to leave.” Mac pulled Max up and hustled him toward the door.
Wallace followed them. “This was all planned, wasn’t it?”
“Logan was even going to find a copy of an Orphan Anne, to go with the whole Ovaltine theme, but we convinced him that Star Wars was better.” Mac gave Wallace an apologetic look. “We would have warned you, but you never were any good at hiding anything from Veronica.”
Veronicas left sneaker hit the door as Wallace pulled it closed behind him. “I just hope she doesn’t try to wear that big unwieldy thing around everywhere.”
“Wallace,” Max sighed, “We need to get you more guy friends.”

Pairing/Character: Logan/Veronica, Mac/Max, Wallace
Word Count: 1,026
Rating: PG
Summary: “Hey!” Logan protested. “I would have gotten a retro radio set, but I was spending my e-bay time looking for-” A night of radio drama, Ovaltine, and ooh look, a secret surprise.
Spoilers: Through 3x17, but doesn’t follow season three continuity. Set several years post series.
Warnings: Symptoms include feeling old and wanting to relive childhood memories. Use at your own risk. Men suffering from midlife crisis should consult their psychiatrists before use.
“So remind me why we’re doing this, again?” Wallace asked. Being the only one without a date, he was feeling like a third wheel and had vindictively claimed the La-Z-boy recliner for himself. Not that he could honestly blame his friends for that one; there had been other people invited. Dick had declined to show, to no one’s surprise, but several other old friends had bailed, including Piz who, with his usually bad timing, did so at the last moment.
“Because it’s fun and memorable way to spend an evening,” Veronica explained, putting on a face that bespoke exasperated schoolmarm repeating herself to an over-inquisitive student. “A group of friend in a cozy, dimly lit, room listening to a dramatic radio presentation, and enjoying powdered beverages, just like in the good old days.” She leaned against Logan on the loveseat they were sharing.
“I’m too young and pretty to be thinking of the good old days,” Max announced. “I’m saving such sentiments for when I turn thirty.”
“The fact that we’re listening to the brand new surround sound edition of the NPR Star Wars radio-play, on a modern home entertainment system kind of spoils the nostalgia effect, too.” Mac tossed in her own two cents.
“Hey!” Logan protested. “I would have gotten a retro radio set, but I was spending my e-bay time looking for-” he stopped abruptly, realizing he’d said too much.
“Oh?” said Veronica, raising her eyebrows. “What were you looking for?”
“It’s not . . . I’ll show you later, okay? Let’s start the show already.”
Three hours later, Wallace had gotten sick and tired of Max and Mac chiming in with Vader’s funky respirator breath every time he showed up, and was on the verge of throwing his half finished mug of Ovaltine (his 5th of the night; that stuff had to be addictive or something) at them. It had been cute the first time or two they had done it, breathing in sync and giggling like children afterwards, but they has proceeded to continue their game, and it was getting on Wallace’s nerves. Worse, Veronica and Logan, bowing to tradition, had started making out during the scenes that they considered boring, which was distracting and gross. Not that Wallace didn’t remember making out in the back of a movie theater a few times himself; but seriously, was he the only one in the room that they remembered they were all adults? White people and their nostalgia. It was enough to drive a brother insane.
And now the couple on the loveseat were giggling as well, as Veronica poked at Logan’s ribs and he tried to fend her off. Sighing, Wallace pulled himself up from his comfortable slouch and grabbed the remote for the stereo to pause the audio, then tossed the remote to Mac and sank back down into his reclined posture “Okay, you two, what’s the deal?”
“Logan won’t tell me what he e-bayed” Veronica whined, pouting in that don’t you just want to hug me and tell me you’ll make it better way she had that tended to melt men into goo.
“I told you, I’ll show you when we’re done.” Logan raised his arms in see what I have to put up with with this woman supplication.
“You know, I think we are done” Mac said, picking herself up from where she had curled up on the floor against Max. “We already made pretty much all the good Star Wars jokes already, and we’re out of milk.”
Logan shot her a you’re ruining my cunning plan glare, which she responded to with a we’re all tired so just get on with it already look. “Fine,” He said, pouting a little himself as he stood. “Wait here,” he instructed Veronica. “I’ll go get it.”
Veronica bounced giddily. “Is it a pony?”
“Is that joke stale yet?” Wallace shot back.
Logan had a dumb that’s my girl, isn’t she swell grin on his face. “Nope.”
Wallace rolled his eyes and polished off his Ovaltine in lieu of a response. Mac and Max, bless their attention deficient souls, started making out. Wallace closed his eyes and mentally debated the relative merits of leaving the room vis-à-vis remaining in his very comfy chair. He had just mustered the will to leave when Logan returned, hiding something behind his back.
“I was going to save this until after we finished, but well . . .” Logan produced a blue velvet jewelry case, and offered it to Veronica.
“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend?” she guessed.
“Not quite,” Logan told her.
She opened the case, her smile widening as she pulled out the large polished brass ring. “An Ovaltine decoder ring!” she squealed in delight. “How did you find one on e-bay? All I can find are the stupid Johnny Quest ones.”
“Lots of persistence.” At Veronica’s knowing glance, he relented. “I had Max set up something to check every hour or so. For the last several months”
“So do you have any messages for me to decode?” Veronica asked huskily, managing to make it sound extremely flirtatious.
“Actually, I’m kind of hoping to see you put it on.” Logan gently lifted her hand, and moved to put on her finger. Veronica inhaled sharply as she realized where he intended to place it. “Miss Mars, would you do me the honor of-”
Logan didn’t finish, because Veronica tackled him. “Yes!” Further conversation was canceled in favor of madly passionate kissing.
“And that’s our cue to leave.” Mac pulled Max up and hustled him toward the door.
Wallace followed them. “This was all planned, wasn’t it?”
“Logan was even going to find a copy of an Orphan Anne, to go with the whole Ovaltine theme, but we convinced him that Star Wars was better.” Mac gave Wallace an apologetic look. “We would have warned you, but you never were any good at hiding anything from Veronica.”
Veronicas left sneaker hit the door as Wallace pulled it closed behind him. “I just hope she doesn’t try to wear that big unwieldy thing around everywhere.”
“Wallace,” Max sighed, “We need to get you more guy friends.”