Can't seem to get Haruhi out of my head. She's a-bouncing along in there, Singing the Hare Hare Yukai.
Anyway, it's another gen fanfic by yours truly. This one addresses a question I'm surprised hasn't been brought up more often: Couldn't this mysterious future group of time travelers get anyone more brave or competent than our dear, cringing Mikuru-chan?
It's written in pure dialog, with only one person's half of the conversation presented. Blame
liz_marcs and her Buffy fanfic "Two Words" for giving me the idea to use that format
Elect of God
A Haruhi Suzumiya no Yuutsu fanfic by Satori aka Artistshipper
Elect - \i-ˈlekt\
1: one chosen or set apart (as by divine favor)
2 plural : a select or exclusive group of people
-The Merriam Webster Online Dictionary
"Please have a seat, Miss Asahina."
"Do you know why you have been summoned here?"
"Indeed, we do have a mission for you."
"I assure you, Miss Asahina, we are eminently aware of your qualifications and the state of your training."
"Do you really have to ask that Miss Asahina? You were chosen because the Stasis Archives indicate you were the one who was sent. It would appear that you performed quite admirably, by the way. Since we're still here, one assumes your mission was a success."
"Yes, it is that important a mission."
"The details of your task can wait. First, I want to clear up any other concerns you might have."
"I was a young, untried, Field Agent once myself. I can understand if you are apprehensive."
"You are an agent of the Temporal Authority, Miss Asahina. We all have the utmost confidence that you will be a credit to your Unit and your Timeplane. So, too, should you. You've been trained for this, and we will provide further culture-specific instruction before we sent you off. Don't let this daunt you."
"We expect that you will have a significant amount of time to acclimatize yourself to your new timespace. Years perhaps, if the Stasis Archive records are any indication. There is a degree of Continuum Flux, so we can't say for sure. Expect to use your TPDD in the course of your duties in-plane. But do keep moderation in mind."
"Don't thank me Miss Asahina; I'm not the one who 'chose' you."
"Actually, in this case, it may be that you were chosen by a someone."
"Why, indeed? I think you will find out once your are in-plane."
"Tell me, Miss Asahina, have you studied the Christian Bible in any of your Living History seminars?"
"In the Bible, there are many cases of people who are 'chosen' by God to perform some task. Indeed, in some cases entire nations are declared the 'Elect of God'. Do you know what the common factor among all of the chosen was?"
"Not one of these Elect, these Chosen of God was perfect. Few were even of any note socially or politically, let alone what one would call 'Great Men'. God called a man name Moses to be his voice, speaking to the ruler, and by proxy, the entire nation of Egypt. This man, Moses, had difficulty speaking, to the point he often had to rely on his brother Aaron to relay his words. Yet Moses was chosen to convey the words of God."
"The point, Miss Asahina, is that the one chosen for the job need not be the greatest, nor the best, nor anything but willing and determined in order to be the right person for it."
"I'm glad to hear that Miss Asahina. Now, let's discuss the particulars of your assignment, shall we? I spoke to you of being chosen by God. I didn't pick that theme idly. . ."
Anyway, it's another gen fanfic by yours truly. This one addresses a question I'm surprised hasn't been brought up more often: Couldn't this mysterious future group of time travelers get anyone more brave or competent than our dear, cringing Mikuru-chan?
It's written in pure dialog, with only one person's half of the conversation presented. Blame

Elect of God
A Haruhi Suzumiya no Yuutsu fanfic by Satori aka Artistshipper
Elect - \i-ˈlekt\
1: one chosen or set apart (as by divine favor)
2 plural : a select or exclusive group of people
-The Merriam Webster Online Dictionary
"Please have a seat, Miss Asahina."
"Do you know why you have been summoned here?"
"Indeed, we do have a mission for you."
"I assure you, Miss Asahina, we are eminently aware of your qualifications and the state of your training."
"Do you really have to ask that Miss Asahina? You were chosen because the Stasis Archives indicate you were the one who was sent. It would appear that you performed quite admirably, by the way. Since we're still here, one assumes your mission was a success."
"Yes, it is that important a mission."
"The details of your task can wait. First, I want to clear up any other concerns you might have."
"I was a young, untried, Field Agent once myself. I can understand if you are apprehensive."
"You are an agent of the Temporal Authority, Miss Asahina. We all have the utmost confidence that you will be a credit to your Unit and your Timeplane. So, too, should you. You've been trained for this, and we will provide further culture-specific instruction before we sent you off. Don't let this daunt you."
"We expect that you will have a significant amount of time to acclimatize yourself to your new timespace. Years perhaps, if the Stasis Archive records are any indication. There is a degree of Continuum Flux, so we can't say for sure. Expect to use your TPDD in the course of your duties in-plane. But do keep moderation in mind."
"Don't thank me Miss Asahina; I'm not the one who 'chose' you."
"Actually, in this case, it may be that you were chosen by a someone."
"Why, indeed? I think you will find out once your are in-plane."
"Tell me, Miss Asahina, have you studied the Christian Bible in any of your Living History seminars?"
"In the Bible, there are many cases of people who are 'chosen' by God to perform some task. Indeed, in some cases entire nations are declared the 'Elect of God'. Do you know what the common factor among all of the chosen was?"
"Not one of these Elect, these Chosen of God was perfect. Few were even of any note socially or politically, let alone what one would call 'Great Men'. God called a man name Moses to be his voice, speaking to the ruler, and by proxy, the entire nation of Egypt. This man, Moses, had difficulty speaking, to the point he often had to rely on his brother Aaron to relay his words. Yet Moses was chosen to convey the words of God."
"The point, Miss Asahina, is that the one chosen for the job need not be the greatest, nor the best, nor anything but willing and determined in order to be the right person for it."
"I'm glad to hear that Miss Asahina. Now, let's discuss the particulars of your assignment, shall we? I spoke to you of being chosen by God. I didn't pick that theme idly. . ."